Find the user base by let them enter the address to find where operate
Make the experience of select the items and complete the purchase plus the pick up and delivery been seamless
focus in make straightforward the usage of a app service for laundry
The laundry service by delivery has a scenario of few competitors, of the two other competitors, one is also the brand responsible for manufacturing washing powder and the other is a network of laundries located only in some neighborhoods.
After one year of operation we collect the data of where our service was requested the most and how the clients behavior to select the items in the basket, make the appointment to pick and delivery the items.
80% of all orders 68% was made by the same users and the most of request have the same numbers and type of items, the rest of the orders was made by single time users.
For multiple time requesters user, we develop a recurrent order button in initial screen
Using your references through business concorrentes in food business, we develop a entire flow thinks in the best aprouch to user select the itens.
Thde initial thought was to showcase the apps benefits since the user opens the app for the fist time prior to start create a account, after the account creation the app, allowing the user to see if the ZIP code of his region is attended, we know that it can generate frustration if wont operate in his location. But in this way we can map where the service will have better acceptance and thus we can have a performance for the areas that are looking for LAVVI.
André Rolim
Nelson Cardoso
Leonardo Sampaio
Pedro Coelho
Take the quiz, make your mind
Ivanoska Puccin
Nelson Cardoso
Leonardo Sampaio
Pedro Coelho
Pedro Coelho
Anna Branco
Anna Branco
Pedro Coelho
Anna Branco
Anna Branco
Pedro Coelho
Pedro Coelho